Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Safety Training

Hydrogen Sulfide is a highly flammable and hazardous gas, usually produced during oil refining and other industrial processes involving organic matter processing like sludge, liquid manure or natural gas. Due to its toxic levels and hazardous nature, it is of prime importance that employees must be given Hydrogen Sulfide Safety training to ensure workplace safety before working in or around areas with sources of sulfur.

EduSkills Training - H2S Safety Awareness Training in UAE
The aims of the H2S Safety Awareness training are to ensure that the delegate gains the required knowledge and understanding of the specific hazards and properties of H²S, and appropriate emergency response actions that should be taken.
The primary objectives include:
  1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the properties and dangers of hydrogen sulfide.
  2. Acquire skills in implementing safety protocols and measures to prevent exposure to hydrogen sulfide.
  3. Learn effective emergency response procedures in case of hydrogen sulfide exposure or release.
  4. Understand and utilize appropriate personal protective equipment when working in environments with hydrogen sulfide.
Course Pre-requisite
  • At least 21 years of age


Course Outline
  • Introduction
  • What is Hydrogen Sulfide?
  • Where do you find H2S?
  • Properties of H2S
  • Threshold Limit Values & Toxicity Table
  • Physiological effects of H2S
  • Detection of H2S
  • Emergency Response and Contingency Plan
  • Protection against H2S hazards
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Hydrogen Sulfide Exposure Level
  • Emergency First Aid
  • Factors determine the effects of H2S exposure
  • Evaluating and Controlling H2S Exposure


Benefits of Hydrogen Sulfide Safety training
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the properties and dangers of hydrogen sulfide.

  • Acquire skills in implementing safety protocols and measures to prevent exposure to hydrogen sulfide.

  • Learn effective emergency response procedures in case of hydrogen sulfide exposure or release.

  • Understand and utilize appropriate personal protective equipment when working in environments with hydrogen sulfide.

Upon completion of Hydrogen Sulfide Safety training, participants will be able to develop:
  • Understanding the physical and chemical properties of hydrogen sulfide and its potential dangers.

  • Implementing safety protocols, including detection and monitoring, to prevent exposure to hydrogen sulfide.

  • Learning effective procedures for emergency response in case of hydrogen sulfide exposure or release.

  • Understanding and using the appropriate personal protective equipment to ensure safety in hydrogen sulfide environments.


1 Day


Physical / Written


Single Module

EduSkills Training Admissions Form
You can view admissions policy here: https://eduskillstraining.com/admission-policy-for-individuals/
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