Evacuation Plan Training

The course is aimed to enable learners to distinguish between an emergency and an incident as well as understanding the different types of emergencies that may take place in the workplace. The learners will be able to explain the types of emergency alarms in the workplace, the procedures for responding to them and the methods and procedures, which need to be applied in an assembly area after an alarm.

EduSkills Training - Evacuation Plan Training in Dubai
The Evacuation Plan Training course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to effectively implement and follow evacuation plans in various settings.
The primary objectives include:

Understanding Evacuation Procedures: Gain comprehensive knowledge of evacuation procedures and protocols.

Evacuation Route Familiarization: Familiarize participants with evacuation routes and assembly points.

Emergency Communication: Develop effective communication strategies for coordinating evacuations.

Emergency Equipment Utilization: Learn to use emergency equipment and tools during evacuation scenarios.

Mock Evacuation Drills: Conduct practical drills to simulate real-life evacuation scenarios and reinforce training.

Course Outline
  • Purpose of an emergency plan
  • Evacuation procedures
  • Preplanning
  • Emergency Scene
  • Zone sweep
  • Types of emergencies
  • Specification emergencies & response
  • General Evacuation and duties
Benefits of Evacuation Plan training
  • Learn and apply proper evacuation protocols for a swift and organized evacuation.

  • Develop communication strategies to ensure a coordinated and orderly evacuation.

  • Increased awareness of the importance of evacuation procedures and safety measures.

  • Familiarization with and proficiency in using emergency equipment during evacuations.

  • Reinforce learning through hands-on mock evacuation drills for practical application.

Upon completion of Evacuation Plan course, participants will be able to develop:
  • Detailed information on evacuation protocols, including when and how to evacuate.

  • Understanding and memorization of evacuation routes and assembly points.

  • Strategies for effective communication during emergency evacuations.

  • Proper utilization of emergency equipment and tools available for evacuation.

  • Practical exercises and drills simulating real-life evacuation scenarios.


2 Hours


Physical / Written


Single Module

EduSkills Training Admissions Form
You can view admissions policy here: https://eduskillstraining.com/admission-policy-for-individuals/
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