Fire Warden Training

To give participants proper understanding of the nature and causes of fire, and how to identify, prioritize and manage the fire risk and take the appropriate actions as a fire warden.

EduSkills Training - Fire Warden Training in Dubai
The Fire Warden Training course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to take on the role of a fire warden, ensuring the safety of occupants during fire emergencies.
The primary objectives include:
  1. Understand the specific responsibilities and duties of a fire warden during fire emergencies.

  2. Develop leadership skills for organizing and leading effective responses to fire incidents.

  3. Acquire skills for coordinating and managing evacuations in a calm and organized manner.

  4. Learn how to conduct fire safety inspections to identify potential hazards and ensure compliance.

  5. Develop effective communication strategies and participate in fire safety training programs.

Course Pre-requisite
  • At least 21 years of age


Course Outline
  • Introduction
  • Legal References
  • Duties and Responsibilities
  • Chemistry of Fire
  • Sources of Heat/ Fire
  • Transfer of Heat
  • Classes of Fire
  • Fire fighting Technique
  • Evacuation procedures
  • Fire action
  • Fire warden procedures
Benefits of Fire Warden training
  • Clear understanding of the role and responsibilities of a fire warden to act accurately in a fire event.
  • Effective Emergency Leadership skills for more organized approach and effective responses to fire incidents.
  • Efficient Coordination in Fire Emergency Evacuations for safe & calm emergency exit.
  • Learn to conduct fire safety inspections to proactively identify and address potential hazards.
  • Enhances skills to develop effective communication strategies crucial for fire emergencies.
Upon completion of Fire Warden training, participants will be able to understand & develop:
  • Importance of fire warden responsibilities in the event of a fire emergency.

  • Leadership skills to effectively coordinate and lead responses during fire incidents.

  • Skills for coordinating and managing evacuations, ensuring the safety of all occupants.

  • Techniques for conducting fire safety inspections to identify and address potential hazards.

  • Effective communication strategies during fire emergencies and participation in fire safety training.


4 Hours


Physical / Written


Single Module

EduSkills Training Admissions Form
You can view admissions policy here:
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