IEMA Courses

2 Results

Environmental Sustainability Skills for the Managers Course

The Environmental Sustainability Skills for Managers course aims to provide supervisors and managers with a strategic and operational overview of environmental sustainability as it affects their specific industry and work area. The course covers the understanding of the strategic opportunities and constraints that environmental sustainability presents organisations; the importance of resource efficiency; the impact of environmental sustainability across the value chain; the impacts of pollution, prevention, control and environmental legislation in organizations; and how employees support environmental sustainability.

Environmental Sustainability Skills for the Workforce Course

The Environmental Sustainability Skills for the Workforce course is perfect for those working in any job role across all sectors, to ensure that environmental sustainability is embedded into all job roles of a company. The course covers the main environmental risks and opportunities facing organizations; the importance of resource efficiency; the impacts of pollution, prevention, control and legislation; the impact of transport; and knowing how employees can support environmental sustainability.